The Highlight Cards Explained

The cards found along the right panel of the project results page provide a quick snapshot of your market and highlight the most important insights around demographics, care gap, current physicians, market volumes, and more to help you assess current and future opportunity. The information presented in each card is updated based on the filters applied in the left panel, allowing you to customize the final assessment for your specific use case. You can also download the underlying data from each card into a CSV file for an offline analysis.

In-Market Population & Growth

The top card in the highlights panel shows current population of the defined market and 5-year projections of growth or decline. The projections are compared to either regional or national benchmarks with the deltas displayed in parenthesis. If the defined market falls within a CSA, the regional benchmark will be shown on the card. If the market falls outside of a CSA, the national benchmark will be displayed instead. In the above example, the market’s population of 462,068 people is projected to grow by 6.6% over the next 5 years, which is 4.4% faster than the national growth projections. Additionally, this market falls outside of a Core Statistical Area, so the national benchmark is used instead of the regional one.


Median Age and Income

The card displays the median age of the population in the defined market along with the regional or national benchmarks and deltas. On the right side, the median income is compared to the regional or national benchmarks, depending on whether the market is a part of a CSA, similarly to the In-Market Population and Growth card.



This Demographics card shows the population totals by gender and age, as well as 5- and 10-year growth projections for each cohort. Hover over each graph segment to view specific numbers per demographic group or download into a CSV to calculate the totals more easily.



Current Physician Need

The Opportunity Analysis card compares the number of in-market FTEs (Physician Supply) with the projected FTEs (Physician Demand) based on the healthcare need forecast for the local population. The difference represents either an oversupply, in the example above that is the case for OB/GYN and Cardiology, or a care gap, shown here for Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, and Psychiatry. The market demand is met in this example for Dermatology and ENT specialties.

By default, the chart displays the top 10 specialty groups, and can be adjusted with the custom filters. To view the exact demand and supply for each specialty hover over the graph. For 5- and 10-year projections, as well as to view the care gap by encounters and revenue, download the CSV file.

Care Demand Projections

The Care Demand Projections highlight card presents current, 5-, and 10-year projections for healthcare demand in a market of interest by Service Line. By default, the information presented is force-ranked to show the top ten Services by growth. Once the Service Line filter is applied, the card will update to feature the specific services selected. There are three types of service utilization rates available - Local, Regional, and National - that aim to address specific nuances of each market defined by the user. For more information on the Care Demand Projections and the Use Rates, please go to



Market Facilities

This highlight card provides a breakdown of healthcare locations in your market by facility type, as well as features the top three facilities by total volume of service. Apply Systems, Services, and Facility type filters to narrow the results down to your specific use case. Download the CSV to view the total procedure claims by location down to a subservice line.



Procedure Volumes

The Service Volumes card provides a breakdown of the service lines covered in your market based on the applied filters with the total procedure volume shown across the top. Hover over the donut chart to view additional details and download a CSV to learn more about the physicians that delivered the care.



Current Physicians by Specialty

The Current Physician by Specialty card shows the number of FTEs in your market of interest. Download the CSV to understand how much time the doctors spend in-market across multiple facilities.


Payor Mix

The Payor Mix highlight card displays insurance coverage breakdown for the population in your market. Hover over the pie chart slices to view the Coverage Channels - Commercial, Health Exchange, Medicare, Medicaid, Uninsured. Download the accompanying CSV to see a more granular view of the coverage breakdown – including the Parent Companies.


This article will be continuously updated as more insights are added to the Pivotal app.